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Submit an Application


Submit an application

To apply to QIA’s Fund and Funds program, fund managers should:

  1. Fill in the application form
  2. Fill in the commercial track record template

The completed application pack should be sent to


Question 1: What type of investments will the Fund of Funds carry out?

Answer: The FoF's investment strategy includes both fund investments in global and regional funds, and direct co-investments in partnership with those funds. The initial focus will be on indirect (fund) investments, with very targeted co-investments with these funds at later stages.

Question 2: When can I apply to be part of the program?

Answer: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as they feel they have a strong proposition to be part of the QIA FoF program.

Question 3: How will applications by fund managers be assessed?

Answer: The FoF program utilizes an objective commercial and development scoring methodology to assess each application. The application form and commercial track record template provide further details on what criteria will be used to assess applications.

Question 4: How do I apply to the program?


  1. Fill in the application form
  2. Fill in the commercial track record template

The completed application pack should be sent to

Question 5: Do fund managers participating in the FoF program need to invest in Qatar?

Answer: The primary goal of the FoF is to accelerate the development of a start-up and venture capital ecosystem in Qatar. Program participants are encouraged to evaluate investment opportunities in Qatar but should only invest in local businesses if it is commercially viable and in line with the fund manager’s investment strategy and return expectations.

Question 6: ​Is it mandatory for fund managers to have a presence in Qatar?

Answer: Yes, in line with the eligibility criteria outlined on this website all fund managers are required to set up a presence in Qatar to demonstrate their commitment to the development of the local venture capital ecosystem and enable cross-pollination of ideas.

More information

Application requirements and eligibility criteria

​​​Find out about the eligibility criteria and the information required for submitting an application.


Application and selection process

Learn more about the step-by-step application process for fund managers.


Submit an application

​​​Find out about how to access the required documents for applying and how to contact QIA.
